Active Flows using Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics
DSFD 2023
Timofey Kozhukhov
, Benjamin Loewe, Tyler N. Shendruk (
$\definecolor{saphire}{RGB}{0, 50, 95}$ $\definecolor{crimson}{RGB}{193, 0, 67}$ $\definecolor{capri}{RGB}{0, 196, 223}$ $\definecolor{amber}{RGB}{244, 170, 0}$ $\definecolor{plum}{RGB}{129, 2, 98}$ $\definecolor{cerulean}{RGB}{0, 145, 181}$ $\definecolor{ruby}{RGB}{212, 0, 114}$ $\definecolor{cardinal}{RGB}{172, 0, 64}$ $\definecolor{ccinnamon}{RGB}{205, 90, 19}$ $\definecolor{climegreen}{RGB}{41, 188, 41}$ $\definecolor{cgold}{RGB}{141, 116, 74}$ $\definecolor{ctaupe}{RGB}{110, 80, 72}$ $\definecolor{cteal}{RGB}{69, 126, 129}$ $\definecolor{cforestgreen}{RGB}{0, 70, 49}$ $\definecolor{cmahogany}{RGB}{106, 51, 40}$ $\definecolor{csilver}{RGB}{194, 211, 223}$ $\definecolor{coldrose}{RGB}{184, 133, 141}$ $\definecolor{curry}{RGB}{156, 154, 0}$ $\definecolor{cobalt}{RGB}{0, 80, 114}$ $\definecolor{rubydarker}{RGB}{197, 0, 99}$ $\definecolor{purple}{RGB}{56, 6, 92}$ $\definecolor{cardinaldarker}{RGB}{97, 0, 36}$ $\definecolor{ceruleandarker}{RGB}{0, 113, 140}$ $\definecolor{amberlighter}{RGB}{240, 191, 79}$ $\definecolor{amberbrighter}{RGB}{245, 242, 88}$ $\definecolor{onyx}{RGB}{15, 15, 15}$
Active matter ranges across scales
"active" units
from environment
Energy used to
But what about the mesoscale?
Youtube: Wonders in the sky (2015)
Henkes S,
et al.
, Phys. Rev. E, 2011
Rivas D,
et al.
, Soft Matter, 2020
Sokolov A,
et al.
, Phys. Rev. X, 2019
Active matter at the mesoscale is numerically under-explored
Thijssen K, Khaladj D,
et al.
, PNAS, 2021
Drechsler M,
et al.
, Mol Biol Cell, 2020
Ray S,
et al.
, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023
Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics (MPCD)
Streaming: $\vec{x}_i(t+\delta t) = \vec{x}_i(t) + \vec{v}_i(t)\delta t$
Collision: $\vec{v}_i(t+\delta t) = \vec{v}_{CM}(t) + \vec\Xi_i(\vec{r}_\mathrm{CM}, t)$
Shendruk T, Yeomans J M, Soft Matter, 2015
A planar collision rule induces local force dipoles
$\Xi_i^\mathrm{Active} = \Xi_i^{N}$
${\color{ruby} {+ \alpha_C \delta t \left( \frac{\kappa_i}{m_i} - \langle \frac{\kappa_j}{m_j} \rangle_C \right) \vec{n}_C} ; \quad \alpha_C = \sum_i^{\rho_C}\alpha_i} $
Kozhukhov T, Shendruk T, Sci. Adv., 2022
Active-Nematic MPCD Reproduces Active Turbulence
Rivas D,
et al.
, Soft Matter, 2020
$\alpha = 0.1$. Turbulence regime: $\alpha > 0.025$
Kozhukhov T, Shendruk T, Sci. Adv., 2022
Strategy: Modulate local activity
$\Xi_i^{Active} = \Xi_i^{N}+ {\alpha_C} \delta t \left( \frac{\kappa_i}{m_i} - \langle \frac{\kappa_j}{m_j} \rangle_C \right) \vec{n}_C $
Active Sum
: $\alpha_C^\mathrm{S} = \alpha \rho_C$
Active Average
: $\alpha_C^\mathrm{A} = \alpha$
$\mathcal{S}_C(\rho_C; \sigma_p, \sigma_w) = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 - \tanh \left( \frac{\rho_C - \av{\rho_C} \left( 1 + \sigma_p \right)}{\av{\rho_C} \sigma_w} \right) \right)$
Sigmoidal Av.
: $\alpha_C^\mathrm{S-A}(\rho_C) = \alpha_C^\mathrm{A} \mathcal{S}_C(\rho_C)$
Sigmoidal Sum
: $\alpha_C^\mathrm{S-S}(\rho_C) = \alpha_C^\mathrm{S} \mathcal{S}_C(\rho_C)$
Kozhukhov T, Shendruk T, Sci. Adv., 2022
Kozhukhov T, Loewe B, Shendruk T,
in prep.
Active Sum
Active Av.
Sigmoid Sum
($\sigma_p=0.4, \sigma_w=0.5$)
Sigmoid Av.
($\sigma_p=0.4, \sigma_w=0.5$)
$\alpha = 0.1$
Active Sum
Active Av.
Sigmoid Sum
($\sigma_p=0.4, \sigma_w=0.5$)
Sigmoid Av.
($\sigma_p=0.4, \sigma_w=0.5$)
$\alpha = 0.1$
Modulated AN-MPCD reproduces active turbulence
$\ell_d = \rho_d^{-1/2}$; Theory: $\ell_d \propto \alpha^{-1/2}$
Theory: $v \propto \alpha^{1/2}$
Modulations reduce density-induced drift
Fick's law: Density-induced drift $\propto \left| \nabla \rho \right|$
$\chi_\mathrm{NGM}=\frac{d}{d+2} \frac{\Delta r^4}{|\Delta r^2|^2}-1$
Applications of mesoscale AN-MPCD
Louise Head
, Submitted 2023
Active Av.
Applications of mesoscale AN-MPCD
Ryan Keogh
Keogh R,
et al.
, Submitted 2023
Active Av.
Applications of mesoscale AN-MPCD
Zahra Valei
Valei Z,
et al.
In prep.
Sigmoidal Av.
Applications of mesoscale AN-MPCD
Benjamín Loewe
Active Sum
Applications of mesoscale AN-MPCD
Kira Koch
Sigmoidal Av.
A force dipole is sufficient to reproduce active turbulence in MPCD
Density dependent activity modulation reduces density fluctuations
AN-MPCD is a strong framework to simulate out of equilibrium mesoscale systems
View this talk online at
Tyler N. Shendruk
Benjamín Loewe
Kristian Thijssen
Ryan Keogh
Jack Paget
Louise Head
Zahra Valei
François de Tournemire
Oleksandr Baziei
Kira Koch
Appendix Slides
Sig-Av. Sig-Sum very similar. Chosen params are $\sigma_p=0.4, \sigma_w=0.5$
Modulations reduce density fluctuations
Modulations reduce density band width
Giant number fluctuations analysis reveal algorithm regimes
Central Limit Theorem: $\sigma_{N_C}\propto \langle N_C \rangle^{1/2}$
$\sigma_{N_C}=A\langle N_C \rangle^\nu$
$A=\sigma_{N_C}|_{\langle N_C \rangle=1}$