GRC 2024 Poster Supplementary Materials

Timofey Kozhukhov (, Kristian Thijssen, Benjamin Loewe, Tyler N. Shendruk

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Movies may take a while to load. Presentation optimised for landscape 16:9 aspect ratio.
$\definecolor{saphire}{RGB}{0, 50, 95}$ $\definecolor{crimson}{RGB}{193, 0, 67}$ $\definecolor{capri}{RGB}{0, 196, 223}$ $\definecolor{amber}{RGB}{244, 170, 0}$ $\definecolor{plum}{RGB}{129, 2, 98}$ $\definecolor{cerulean}{RGB}{0, 145, 181}$ $\definecolor{ruby}{RGB}{212, 0, 114}$ $\definecolor{cardinal}{RGB}{172, 0, 64}$ $\definecolor{ccinnamon}{RGB}{205, 90, 19}$ $\definecolor{climegreen}{RGB}{41, 188, 41}$ $\definecolor{cgold}{RGB}{141, 116, 74}$ $\definecolor{ctaupe}{RGB}{110, 80, 72}$ $\definecolor{cteal}{RGB}{69, 126, 129}$ $\definecolor{cforestgreen}{RGB}{0, 70, 49}$ $\definecolor{cmahogany}{RGB}{106, 51, 40}$ $\definecolor{csilver}{RGB}{194, 211, 223}$ $\definecolor{coldrose}{RGB}{184, 133, 141}$ $\definecolor{curry}{RGB}{156, 154, 0}$ $\definecolor{cobalt}{RGB}{0, 80, 114}$ $\definecolor{rubydarker}{RGB}{197, 0, 99}$ $\definecolor{purple}{RGB}{56, 6, 92}$ $\definecolor{cardinaldarker}{RGB}{97, 0, 36}$ $\definecolor{ceruleandarker}{RGB}{0, 113, 140}$ $\definecolor{amberlighter}{RGB}{240, 191, 79}$ $\definecolor{amberbrighter}{RGB}{245, 242, 88}$ $\definecolor{onyx}{RGB}{15, 15, 15}$

System movies




Mean-squared displacements

MSD parameters are obtained from fits

Extra MSD fits

Radial defect distributions

Closest defects approach the colloid at higher activities

Approaching $+1/2$ unbind companions, leaving a colloid-companion complex

Angular defect distributions

$-1/2$ companion defects lie behind the colloid motion

Reoriented probability density of $-1/2$ defects




Colloid-companion complex is protected from encroaching $+1/2$ defects